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New Report: Forsaken by Book

 One of my favorite visualizations. MAJOR SPOILERS ! like all the rest of this site, but especially here, so be warned. This is an incredibly useful shorthand overview for tracking the forsaken's relative strength, on-page encounters, battles, deaths, rebirths, and major events, all broken down by book. It's a lot to take in the first time you look at it, but incredibly quick to reference any time thereafter. Let me know what you think!

Coming Soon: Reports Overview

 This screenshot is of the current (soon to be previous) home for the current WoT site (spreadsheet). There's some good overview data in the books table, and a few fun facts at the bottom. please be warned, the fun facts, like this whole site, are full of FULL BOOK SERIES SPOILERS! If you haven't read the whole series, then you shouldn't be here. Thanks for you enthusiasm, but you gotta enjoy it without spoilers the first time though. Come back later and enjoy your read. For those that have read it all, dive in, and use the table of contents below guide you through the coming content as the data migration continues.


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